This is President Volavola. He is a member of
the temple presidency. Elder and Sister Wood
had two granddaughters come with a human-
itarian group to work in a village not too far from
his home. It is about an hours drive from Suva.
He decided they should experience a Lovo before
they left to go back to the states. If the Fijians
really want to celebrate, they make a Lovo. This
is where they cook food in a pit in their yards.
The Woods were kind enough to invite me to
go along. President Volavola is a chief over many
villages in Fiji. In 2000 he was elected to be the
chief over all of Fiji. Just after he was elected,
the military staged a coup and took over the
government and imprisoned President Volavola
for two years! He now says he wants nothing to
do with politics! Do you blame him?

This is President Volavola's granddaughter
watching the dancers and doing a little dance
of her own.

These girl did a couple of dances for us and then
tried to teach the high school kids from the states
how to to it. It was fun to watch.

This is a girl that lives just up the street from
Mom- I love all of your posts of Fiji! I am super impressed with your blogging skills. Maybe you need to teach me :)