This is Sister Reeves and me getting ready to
take the motor boat ride to Bau Island. It was
about a 5-10 minute ride from the mainland.
We were invited (which you must be) by a member
of the Bau Branch who has a home on the island.

This is the wife of the member who invited us.
You are not allowed on the island without an
invitation from someone who is from there.
They do not live on Bau, but they do have a
family home there.

This is Elder and Sister Seare. They are from
Draper, Ut. Sister Seare is the new mission
nurse and Elder Seare is the new mission jack
of all trades.

Our other boat just docking on the island.

I just had to include this picture. This is what
we parked in front of at the dock (not on the island)
where we took the boat to Bau. I can't imagine
anyone would ever use this facility as it looks right
out onto the parking lot and there is no door. (to
say nothing of the overall creepiness of it)
You look great Mom!