Sister Hussain, our RS President, asked me to
be in charge of our Visiting Teaching Conference.
I think it was a pretty good turn out!

Sister Hussain. She turned 72 this
year. Most fijian women stop doing
much in their 60s. Sister Hussain
is not only our Relief Socity President,
she is in charge of all the gardening
on the temple site. She does a fabulous

Another Sister Hussain. This is our bishop's
wife, Maria. She gave part of the visiting teaching

Mili and Sereana

Sister Draniatu, Sister Hussain (wearing some of
the decorations) and Sister Mailo.

Sister Kant, Sister Bokini and Sister Accosta

Two thumbs up for the breakfast.

Sister Adamson, Sister Hussain, Sister Tuinomoula,
Sister Gabriel, and Sister Rose.

Helping in the kitchen.

Sister Kant thought our other picture was way
too serious! The conference was a success.
It is always so fun to see the people you talk about in your emails! Looks like you are doing a great work....with wonderful people!