Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Mission Office

Just wanted to record what goes on in the Mission
Office here in Fiji! (Elder Lloyd got a set of nerf
guns from home. I had to protect myself.)

This is where I spend a good portion of my days.
Besides answering the phone and doing general
office work on the computer, I run a lot of errands
for the mission. One of the biggest perks of
this job is getting to know most of the wonderful
missionaries here in Fiji!

Elder and Sister Seare. She is the mission nurse
and he is a jack of all trades. If you want some-
thing done, Elder Seare will find a way.

Sister Ostler. She is one of the busiest ladies
around. She is mom to all the missionaries,
besides being the mission president's right
hand "man".

President Ostler. He presides over 140+ missionaries
in 3 different countries, with 3 different languages,
and many different dialects. This is the board in
his office that shows all the missionaries, where
they are all serving and who their companions are.
President Calister (area president) said this is definitely
one of the most challenging missions. President
and Sister Ostler do a fabulous job!!!!


  1. I LOVED all your pictures! You look absolutely wonderful! I love you.

  2. Mom,
    I LOVE seeing all that is going on with you. I laughed so hard at the nerf gun photo. Glad to see that you haven't changed. I also love the picture of you and Pres. Uchtdorft. You are beaming with happiness! You look great! LOve you!
