Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Christmas Project

My daughter Erin works in the Young Women
in her ward in Bountiful. They decided that for
Christmas they would do a service project for
the Hilton House here in Suva. Children with
special needs live at the Hilton House so they
can attend school at the School for the Handi-
capped. These children are from villages and
without this "home away from home", they
would never have the opportunity to go to
school. It was started by a Mr. Hilton who came
to Fiji 35 years ago from Australia to teach
special education to teachers here....he never
went home . He is in his 90's now and is still involved
in fund raising for the Home and School.
The youth in Bountiful made folder learning
games for the children, sent soap and tooth
paste and tooth brushes, socks, blankets, treats
and love to the children here. The children and
staff were so very appreciative! Thank you
to these wonderful young men and young
women. Here are some pictures of the kids
using these fun games.

Josuah is 6 years old. He is can't walk, or talk
and is blind. He loves this soft beautiful blanket
they sent especially for him.

Jonny and Jotika enjoying their soft blankets!

They all love these games. They kept trading
back and forth as they would complete one and
wanted to go right on to another.

Jackie is a wonderful, dedicated staff member.

This girl is a volunteer from Australia who will
work at the home for 9 months.

I gave a few of the folders to a family in our
ward. They are from Kiribati, a small country
here in the South Pacific. Their father stayed
in Kiribati to work while the mother brought
her 5 children to Suva to attend school. They
have few material things and I knew the
children would love the folders. Erin, thank
you for putting this project together.


  1. BEAUTIFUL post mom!!
    Thank you so much for the pictures. I will for sure get them to the youth in our ward!
    I love you so much!

  2. this is very random (please don't get freakedout) my name is Angela Stark, Dave and I used to live downtown Boise four years ago and he works at Clearwater now with your sons. Anyway, somehow through the magic of the internet I came across your blog (radom i know) I started flipping through the pictures, which are awesome and there is a skinny boy in white shorts who looks like my cousin who is serving in Fiji too. I read the caption "elder Zeyer from Melba ID" and got so excited since it is my cousin! Anyway...its a small world. If you get a chance please give him a BIG hello and a "we miss and love you" from Angela his way cool cousin!

    Good luck on the rest of your mission, it really does look amazing

    -Angela Zeyer Stark
